Too many people lately asking for "THE" optimal dialing strategy...unfortunately, there is no such thing, as optimal dialing strategy is inseparable from media strategy...
Are you dialing $1 co-reg data? Are you dialing $500 Facebook data? Is it search data? If so, what keywords? Are opt-ins taking place on your own branded site, or elsewhere? Is the data real time, or aged? On and on and on...
Usually, contact centers are operating with a mixture of all of the above...and from just that brief list of questions, I can argue the case for at least 7 different dialing strategies, that should all be employed simultaneously...
Again, there are simply no shortcuts - know your marketing, know your media, know your audience, and create custom and varied dialing strategies that optimize engagement and consumer experience for each...
If you try and bundle them all into one cadence, you will surely get the most out of none of them... ;-)
That is the "art" of contact center... 💙